Early decisions and redecions. Reflections on this statement by Meyer

“Changing your Type A Behavior (and beliefs) will be one of the hardest things you will do in your life.”


  • John R. McNeel


Redecision, psychotherapy, transactional analysis, Type A


The article focuses on the process that starts from archaic descisions (Decisions of Despair and Decisions of Challenge) and leads to Redecision. The link between Type A behaviors and injunctive messages and the importance of replacing negative habits with new conscious choices is explored. The work explores some differences between the original thinking of Bob and Mary Goulding and the evolution of the Redecisional model developed over the years by McNeel.

The article shows how healing occurs through the resolution of injunctive messages and highlights the main factors to promote this process, such as the power of self-compassion and the possibility of choosing healthier and more positive behaviors to improve one's life.

The Appendix consists of the most recent version of the extensive Tables that summarize the concepts developed by McNeel and the descriptive elements that allow their clinical use.

Author Biography

John R. McNeel

è uno psicologo abilitato che esercita a San Jose, California. È un membro docente dell'ITAA, un ex membro del Consiglio di amministrazione dell'ITAA, un destinatario dell'Eric Berne Memorial Award e un ex redattore del Transactional Analysis Journal. Faceva parte della facoltà del Western Institute for Group and Family Therapy di Watsonville, in California. La storia della sua formazione con Bob e Mary Goulding può essere trovata sul suo sito web (www.aspiringtokindsness.com) insieme ad altri articoli inediti sulla terapia della ridecisione.


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Goulding, M. M., & Goulding, R. L. (1979). Changing lives through redecision therapy. Brunner-Routledge.

Hugo, V. (1863). Les misérables. C. Lassalle.

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McNeel, J. (2020). Aspiring to Kindness: Transforming Male Type A Behavior. www.aspiringtokindness.com

Watzlawick, P. (1987). If you desire to see, learn how to act. In Zeig J. (1987). Evolution Of Psychotherapy. Routledge.

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How to Cite

McNeel, J. R. (2023). Early decisions and redecions. Reflections on this statement by Meyer : “Changing your Type A Behavior (and beliefs) will be one of the hardest things you will do in your life.” . PSICOLOGIA, PSICOTERAPIA E BENESSERE, 2(2-3), 173–205. Retrieved from https://www.psicologiapsicoterapiaebenessere.it/index.php/ppb/article/view/37



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