“The shop was never the dream, you were the dream”.

A transactional analytic commentary on Elemental movie (2023)


  • Giovanna Fiore Psychikós Clinic
  • Marcelo Azeredo Leone Lino Rodrigo Psychikós Clinic


Couple, script, cultural script, intimacy, growth


In this short article, our aim is to interpret Disney Pixar's recent animated film, Elemental. In this film, in our opinion, it is interesting to highlight the process of the formation of the couple of the main characters, Ember and Wade, who have to face multiple challenges, both personal and cultural, in order to be together. The formation of the couple is a crucial moment in the revision of their individual script, thus becoming a moment of inter- and intra-personal growth.

Author Biographies

Giovanna Fiore, Psychikós Clinic

Co-fondatrice dello studio Psychikós Clinic a Lisbona, psicologa perinatale e psicoterapeuta, analista transazionale clinica (CTA), membro dell'IRPIR e dell'associazione portoghese Ser Bebé.

Marcelo Azeredo Leone Lino Rodrigo, Psychikós Clinic

Ph.D in Scienze dell'Educazione, è co-fondatore dello studio Psychikós Clinic a Lisbona, psicoterapeuta, analista transazionale clinico (CTA), formatore certificato dall'IEFP, membro dell'IRPIR e vicepresidente dell'International Network of Democratic Therapeutic Communities.


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How to Cite

Fiore, G., & Azeredo Leone Lino Rodrigo, M. (2023). “The shop was never the dream, you were the dream”.: A transactional analytic commentary on Elemental movie (2023). PSICOLOGIA, PSICOTERAPIA E BENESSERE, 2(2-3), 327–338. Retrieved from https://www.psicologiapsicoterapiaebenessere.it/index.php/ppb/article/view/31



Esperienze, Documentazione, Riflessioni