The traumatic origins of bulimia nervosa: Analysis of the phenomenon
trauma, bulimia nervosa, eating disorder, coping strategies, dysregulationAbstract
The article aims to deepen the relationship between early trauma and Bu-limia Nervosa (BN). In the past thirty years, the field of scientific research has given increasing importance to the role that traumatic events play in the onset and maintenance of Eating Disorders. After a brief excursus on the role of early trauma in the genesis of the BN, a summary of correla-tional studies will be presented, which have explored the relationship be-tween trauma and BN, and an analysis of the mediation factors that con-tribute to the genesis of this disorder following traumatic events. The arti-cle continues with the definition of the BN as a dysfunctional coping strat-egy aimed at overcoming metacognitive deficits and post-traumatic affec-tive regulation and with the description of the role of traumatic memories in maintaining eating behaviors. In the conclusions, the authors show that reading dysfunctional eating behaviors as a coping strategy with respect to trauma has important implications for treatment.
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