Il dialogo morale in Psicoterapia


  • Maria Teresa Tosi Psicologa, Psicoterapeuta, Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analy-sis, Docente SSPC-IFREP e SSSPC-UPS


Moral dialogue, Psychotherapy, Code of ethics


Cure and responsibility in psychotherapy comprehend a re-consideration of the moral dimension in the client-psychotherapist relationship. An approach is proposed which aims to enrich therapy through a dialogue on the development of morality. Morality, seen as a dimension which is linked to the overall development of a person and to her affective experiences, is recently studied and researched as an essential part of personal identity. The theoretical framework of the social-cognitive transactional analysis (SCTA) helps consider the moral sense development as an aspect founded on experiences, feelings, thoughts and evaluations which belong, in diverse ways, to the Child, the Adult and the Parent. With that, SCTA offers really interesting cues to those therapists who want to involve themselves, with respect, curiosity and sensitivity, in a dialogue which support the moral growth of their clients.


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How to Cite

Tosi, M. T. (2022). Il dialogo morale in Psicoterapia. PSICOLOGIA, PSICOTERAPIA E BENESSERE, 1(1), 49–67. Retrieved from



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